@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000141, author = {Kawakami, Eiko and 川上, 永子 and Tatsumi, Eri and 巽, 絵理 and Hamamoto, Kazumi and 濱元, 一美}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {}, note = {近年の学生と関わるなかで,人と関わる経験を積み重ねていないと感じることがある.現に,入学後に初めて異年齢交流を経験する学生も多く存在する.また,現代の核家族化などにより高齢者とかかわる経験が非常に乏しくなっている.リハビリの専門職である作業療法士や口腔ケアの専門職である歯科衛生士を目指す学生としては,高齢社会の現状を把握し高齢者に対応できる人材となる必要がある.今回,学生たちの高齢社会に対する意識を知るために高齢者との「交流経験」と「交流に対する今後の意識」といった具体的な交流経験を含んだ質問紙によるアンケート調査を行なった.その結果,同居の有無や作業療法学生と歯科衛生学生に関係はなく,高齢者との具体的な交流内容により経験や意識に違いがあることが分かった., In recent interactions with students, the feeling has emerged that today's students have not accumulated experiences of social contact with others. In fact, it has become clear that many students do not experience interaction with individuals outside their own age group until they have completed their education. However, students pursuing a career as an occupational therapist or dental hygienist are expected to develop the ability to understand the condition of elderly individuals and respond appropriately and adequately. Although students in such programs receive appropriate practical training and education, further training is obviously required. In order to identify students' attitudes towards the elderly, a study was conducted using a questionnaire containing items regarding specific social interactions, such as the experience of interacting with elderly individuals, and attitudes about meeting elderly individuals in the future. The results indicated that regardless of whether students are living with their grandparents or not, or whether students are studying occupational therapy or dental hygiene, their experiences and attitudes depend on their actual current social contact with elderly individuals. Based on these results, the present article discusses the type of training and education regarding the elderly that should be provided for students., 報告, Report}, pages = {79--86}, title = {作業療法士と歯科衛生士を目指す学生の高齢者に対する意識調査 : 祖父母との同居経験の有無から}, volume = {創刊号}, year = {2005}, yomi = {カワカミ, エイコ and タツミ, エリ and ハマモト, カズミ} }