@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000167, author = {Hiroshima, Kazuo and 廣島, 和夫}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {}, note = {被虐待症候群の概要,とくに整形外科領域の問題点を中心に概説した.一般に被虐待児症候群の症状として記載されている事項に加えて.骨折原因の説明が曖昧で矛盾していること,受傷から受診までにタイム・ラグが存在すること,X線像上の骨折態様が特徴的であることなど,整形外科における重要な診断ポイントを述べた.また,児童虐待として一般に認識されている内容とは異なった虐待的行為もあり,概念として社会情勢と共に流動的に変化する面を有していることを指摘した., The battered child syndrome (BCS), especially from the orthopedic aspect, was outlined. Several important findings in addition to clinical symptoms commonly described as BCS-physical abuse, were pointed out ; 1) that a parent's explanation of the cause of bone fractures was usually vague and unclear, 2) that in two third of the cases, unreasonable and illogical time-lag was noticed between the onset of fracture (s) and the time of visiting hospital, 3) that several specific radiological features were commonly seen in the cases with BCS, and 4) that the cases not corresponding to the classical definition of BCS have been gradually increasing lately., 総説, Review}, pages = {1--9}, title = {整形外科からみた「小児虐待」の実態}, volume = {3}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ヒロシマ, カズオ} }