@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000195, author = {Midorikawa, Tomoko and 緑川, 知子}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {}, note = {私たちは人生のほとんどの時を着衣状態で過ごす. 補装具使用者は、衣服に加えて補装具を着用する. 被服の吸湿性・吸水性は、着心地や体温調節反応に影響を与えるだけでなく、運動遂行能力にまで影響を与える. 人体機能補助増進衣として、補装具の温熱的快適性は改良できる可能性がある. 補装具は身体に密着されて装着されること、装着時間が長いこと、また、体温調節能力にも障がいがある人が装着する場合があることから、補装具素材は補装具使用者の体温調節反応、衣服気候、衣生活全般に広く影響を与える. また、補装具デザインは衣服アンサンブル全体の外見の良さに影響し、装着時の精神的影響も大きく、リハビリへの意欲にも影響する., We spend most of our life wearing various items of clothing. People who need prosthesis and orthosis have to wear them in addition. The material properties of the clothing have effects on the clothing climate, the thermal comfort and local exercise performance. The prosthesis and orthosis belong to the clothing wardrobe. There is still room for improvement in terms of the thermal comfort of such prosthesis and orthosis,which support and reinforce various functions of the human body. The properties of the clothing material will have a great influence on the thermoregulation and clothing climate. Because of that such supportive devices are put directly on the human body for a long period of time, in many cases, by those who have trouble with thermoregulation. The design of the prosthesis and orthosis has a close relationship with the mental condition of the clients when they wear them. Therefore, excellent design of the supportive devices will make the whole range of clothing look much better and will give the clients a strong incentive to continue with their own rehabilitation., 総説, Review}, pages = {1--10}, title = {被服生理学から見た補装具の温熱的快適性}, volume = {5}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ミドリカワ, トモコ} }