@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000201, author = {Mitani, Yasuhiro and 三谷, 保弘 and Morikita, Ikuhiro and 森北, 育宏}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {}, note = {股関節に疾患を有し腰痛を合併している6症例に対して、腰仙椎アライメントと腰痛との関係について検討した. X線像を基に静的立位での仙椎傾斜角と腰椎前弯角を測定した. その結果、仙椎傾斜角は増大傾向を認め、仙椎傾斜角と腰椎前弯角との間には正の相関を認めた. 腰椎前弯角が増大すると腰部に加わる力学的ストレスが大きくなるとされていることから、仙椎傾斜角の増大に伴う腰椎前弯角の増大により腰痛を併発したと推察される., In six cases with coxarthrosis, the relationship between alignment of the lumbosacral spine and lumbago was investigated. The sacral inclination angle and the lumbar lordosis angle at a stationary standing position was measured from radiograph. The sacral inclination was showed a tendency to increase. It is approved that there is a positive correlation between the sacral inclination and the lumbar lordosis. It is stated that when the angle of the lumbar lordosis increases, the dynamic stress loaded on the lumbar region increases. Therefor, it was speculated that in the case with increased sacral inclination, the angle of the lumbar lordosis increases, that may cause lumbago., 報告, Report}, pages = {55--58}, title = {腰仙椎アライメントと腰痛との関係 : 変形性股関節症患者6名による一考察}, volume = {5}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ミタニ, ヤスヒロ and モリキタ, イクヒロ} }