@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000214, author = {Kawasaki, Jun and 川崎, 純 and Miyamoto, Yasushi and 宮本, 靖 and Kawasaki, Miho and 川崎, 美穂 and Kitagawa, Tomomi and 北川, 智美 and Akashi, Junichi and 明石, 純一}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {}, note = {脳血管障害などの中枢神経系疾患症例の多くは歩行する際、麻痺の為に麻痺側下肢遊脚相で足尖部が床面に引っ掛かり易い. 転倒しないように装具底や靴底の素材は特に滑りにくい素材を使用している為、引きずる際の摩擦はより大きい. このため、努力性の歩行を強いられ、不良な歩行姿勢や歩行パターンは更に不良となる事が多く、また易疲労である. 今回、足尖部が床面に引っ掛かる努力性歩行をしている2症例の靴底(装具底)の足尖部分を滑りやすい素材に変更したところ、歩行姿勢や歩行パターンが改善し、活動性の向上がみられたので報告する., When patients present with various central nervous system disorders, for example cerebral vascular disorder often walk in a manner where the distal foot is likely to drag on the floor on the diseased side when the patient is in mid stride. Any attempted walking results in a poor walking posture and gait pattern. In general, the material of shoe sole uses the do not accommodate an easy and smooth therapeutic walking rhythm. In this report it will be explained how therapeutic walking rhythms will be trained through the use of postural adjuncts inside the shoes. In addition to this, it will also be shown that better results ensue from choosing smoother walking materials to construct the tip of the shoe sole because this diminishes the possibility of interruptions to the walking rhythm by it catching on the ground. Result based on observation from sample of two., 短報, Brief Note}, pages = {27--30}, title = {装具歩行時の床面引っ掛かりを改善させる為の靴底素材の工夫}, volume = {6}, year = {2010}, yomi = {カワサキ, ジュン and ミヤモト, ヤスシ and カワサキ, ミホ and キタガワ, トモミ and アカシ, ジュンイチ} }