@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000239, author = {Kitagawa, Tomomi and 北川, 智美 and Higuchi, Yumi and 樋口, 由美 and Todo, Emiko and 藤堂, 恵美子 and Ogaya, Sinya and 小栢, 進也 and Imaoka, Masakazu and 今岡, 真和 and Haruki, Toshi and 春木, 敏 and Ueda, Yukiko and 上田, 由喜子 and Chisuwa, Naomi and 千須和, 直美 and Ikuta, Eisuke and 生田, 英輔 and Mori, Kazuhiko and 森, 一彦}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {}, note = {専業主婦については、活動量や運動量の制限などが報告されている一方、若年期からの地域とのつながりにより外出頻度は維持されやすいと考えられる. そこで高齢者で報告されている外出頻度と主観的健康感との関連が専業主婦でもみられるのか、年齢による影響を明らかにすることを目的とした. 研究は大阪府堺市南区の一地区内の全世帯(3,069世帯)に無記名自記式の質問紙調査を行い、回答数1,820(回収率58.0%)の中から専業主婦701名を分析対象とした. 質問項目は最近1週間の外出頻度、主観的健康感について尋ねた. その結果、外出頻度は60代、70代後半、80代以上と段階的に減少した. 主観的健康感は加齢とともに不安あり群が増加した. 外出頻度と主観的健康感の関連は50代以上で外出頻度が減少するとともに主観的健康感が低下する傾向を認めた. 以上より、健康維持、増進のためには50代から年代ごとの取り組みが必要であることが示唆された., Physical activity levels and the amount of exercise in housewives are reportedly low; however, a high frequency of outings is likely to be maintained due to connection with local residents. This study aimed to identify the relationship between the frequency of outings and self-rated health in housewives, and investigate age-related effects. Anonymous self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 3,069 households in one district of Minami-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka, and, of the 1,820 responses (response rate: 58.0%), 701 housewives were analyzed. Questionnaire items included the frequency of outings and self-rated health over the past one week. As the results of the questionnaire, the frequency of outings gradually decreased as the age advanced from their 60s to 80s or over. Regarding self-rated health, the number of subjects with anxiety increased with age. Among the subjects aged 50 or over, there was a decreasing trend in the frequency of outings and self-rated health. The findings suggest the need to take appropriate measures to maintain and promote the health of housewives aged 50 and over according to their age group., 原著, original}, pages = {23--29}, title = {ニュータウンに居住する専業主婦の外出頻度および主観的健康感との関係}, volume = {8}, year = {2012}, yomi = {キタガワ, トモミ and ヒグチ, ユミ and トウドウ, エミコ and オガヤ, シンヤ and イマオカ, マサカズ and ハルキ, トシ and ウエダ, ユキコ and チスワ, ナオミ and イクタ, エイスケ and モリ, カズヒコ} }