@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000244, author = {Matsugi, Akiyoshi and 松木, 明好 and Mitani, Yasuhiro and 三谷, 保弘 and Kitagawa, Tomomi and 北川, 智美 and Kawasaki, Jun and 川崎, 純 and Miyamoto, Yasushi and 宮本, 靖 and Hasegawa, Masashi and 長谷川, 昌士 and Kitayama, Atsushi and 北山, 淳 and Mukai, Kouichi and 向井, 公一 and Nagano, Kiyoshi and 長野, 聖}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {}, note = {理学療法士を養成する大学で実施される短期間の理学療法評価臨床実習の実態を明らかにすることを目的に、3年次大学生を対象にアンケート調査を実施した. 実習で学生が担当した症例の約80%が典型的な運動器疾患であり、約87%の学生が実習開始3日目以内に理学療法評価を開始していた. 1日の検査測定実施時間は約40分、治療実施時間は約17分、見学の時間は約340分であった. 帰宅後、デイリーノートや課題に費やす時間は約4時間、睡眠時間は約3時間であった. 以上より、実習期間が短いことと、初めての臨床実習であることを考慮し、計画的に実習が進行されていたと考えられた. その一方、見学や課題レポート作成の時間に比べて、評価・治療実施時間が極めて短いことがわかったが、現行の診療報酬制度下による病院運営の観点から、実習生に評価・治療体験のための時間を増加することは困難であると推測される. 効果的な理学療法実習を実現するための臨床実習体制の提案が必要である., The aim of this study was to investigate the actual situation of the clinical internship of physical therapy evaluation in 3 weeks. The inventory survey was conducted for the third grader student belonging to the university which trains a physical therapist. Approximately 80% of disease of the case of what student was in charge were the patients after a typical fracture. Approximately 87% of students started a physical therapy evaluation within third day. The time of evaluation was approximately 40 minutes, the time of therapy was approximately 17 minutes and the time of study by observation was 340 minutes per one day. Approximately 4 hours were spent for homework and the time of sleep was approximately 3 hours per day. Thus, in consideration of very short period of the clinical internship of physical therapy evaluation, the internship could be premeditatedly conducted by supervisor. On the other hand, it was found that the time of evaluation and therapy was extremely shorter than the time of study by observation and homework. From the viewpoint of hospital management under current fee-for-service system, it could be difficult to make a time to evaluation and therapy by student. The new proposal of the clinical internship of physical therapy system for effective training is necessary., 原著, original}, pages = {71--77}, title = {短期間の理学療法評価臨床実習の実態調査}, volume = {8}, year = {2012}, yomi = {マツギ, アキヨシ and ミタニ, ヤスヒロ and キタガワ, トモミ and カワサキ, ジュン and ミヤモト, ヤスシ and ハセガワ, マサシ and キタヤマ, アツシ and ムカイ, コウイチ and ナガノ, キヨシ} }