@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000255, author = {Ishizuka, Yuki and 石束, 友輝 and Hashimoto, Masashi and 橋本, 雅至 and Inoue, Naoto and 井上, 直人 and Kinoshita, Kazuaki and 木下, 和昭 and Hurukawa, Hiroaki and 古川, 博章 and Ohtsuki, Singo and 大槻, 伸吾}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {}, note = {我々はスポーツ活動時の腰痛発生予防を目的に高校サッカー選手に体幹筋トレーニングを継続して行っている。体幹機能検査にはKraus-Weber test変法大阪市大方式(以下、KW)とSide-Bridge test(以下、SB)を用い、体幹筋機能と運動時腰痛発生の経時的変化を入学年度別に調査し、検討を加えたので報告する。結果は2年以上の継続した指導によって平成19年度入学の選手はSBの点数向上に伴い運動時腰痛保有者は減少する傾向となった。20年度入学の選手はKW、SBともに点数の変化がなく運動時腰痛保有者は増加した。21年度入学の選手はKW、SBともに点数は向上し、運動時腰痛保有者は減少する傾向にあった。学年別に検討したところ、KWとSBの経時的な変化と運動時腰痛保有者の変化の傾向は異なるが、KWとSBの点数に反映される体幹筋機能を向上させることが腰痛保有者の減少や予防に関与する可能性が示唆された。, We have been providing trunk muscle training for senior high school soccer players on a continuing basis for the purpose of preventing low back pain in sports activities. We report the results of our investigation and discussion on time-dependent change by school year in relation between trunk muscle function and occurrence of low back pain during exercise which are based on Kraus-Weber tests(KW) modified by the Osaka-City-University system and Side-Bridge tests(SB) as means to examine trunk muscle function. Our findings indicated a decreasing tendency of players with low back pain during exercise among students enrolled in 2007 along with improved SB scores attributable to more than 2 years of continuous coaching. Students enrolled in 2008 did not show change in KW or SB scores and the players with low back pain during exercise increased. Students enrolled in 2009 had a tendency to improve both in KW and SB scores and to decrease in the number of players with low back pain during exercise. Our examination of the results by school year suggested the potential association between improved trunk muscle function reflected in KW and SB scores, and reduction and prevention of players with low back pain despite the difference in the tendencies of time-dependent change in KW and SB scores and in the number of players with low back pain during exercise., 原著, Original}, pages = {7--14}, title = {高校男子サッカー選手における入学年度別の体幹筋機能と運動時腰痛発生の経時的変化}, volume = {9}, year = {2013}, yomi = {イシズカ, ユウキ and ハシモト, マサシ and イノウエ, ナオト and キノシタ, カズアキ and フルカワ, ヒロアキ and オオツキ, シンゴ} }