@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000441, author = {Hase, Hideki and 長谷, 秀揮}, journal = {四條畷学園短期大学紀要, Annual reports of Shijonawate Gakuen Junior College}, month = {}, note = {本稿の目的は保育実習Ⅱを通しての実習生の気づきや学びに着目し、保育実習Ⅱを修了した学生が、実習の振り返り及び自己評価と反省の中で捉える保育者としての自分自身についての課題や改善点、また問題点等を明らかにすることにより、事前及び事後の保育実習指導のより良い在り方や改善点等を探ることに資することである。さらには実習指導の内容と質の充実、すなわち保育実習指導Ⅱの授業の一層の充実と改善向上に繋げていくことである。具体的には、実習生に対する実習事後指導の一環として実施した、実習の振り返りの中での自己評価質問紙調査における実習生の記述を精査し、実習において評価できる点や反省すべき点等の自己分析諸点について、そしてまた同様に保育者としての課題や改善すべき点等について分類整理して分析及び考察を加えることであり、さらには保育実習指導の充実向上に繋がるように今後の課題と展望を探ることである。, The purpose of this paper is to focus on the apprentice of awareness and learning through the child care training Ⅱ , students who have completed a childcare training Ⅱ is a challenges about myself as a caregiver to capture in the retrospective and self-evaluation and reflection of practice improvements, also by revealing the problems, etc. is to contribute to explore the pre-and better way and improvements such as the post of childcare training guidance. Further enhance the content and quality of training guidance, that is, that will lead to the improvement and further enhance the teaching of childcare training guidance Ⅱ . Specifically, it was carried out as part of the training post guidance for trainees, reviewing the description of the apprentices in the self-assessment questionnaire survey of in reviewing the training, of a point or the like to be and remorse that it can be evaluated in practice for self-analysis various points, and also it is to add a classification organize and analyze and discuss such issues and improvement to be a point of as caregivers as well, and even the future challenges to lead to substantial improvement of childcare training guidance it is to explore the prospects., 原著, Article}, pages = {9--18}, title = {保育実習Ⅱの「振り返り」と「課題」についての一考察}, volume = {49}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ハセ, ヒデキ} }