@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000528, author = {Tamaru, Yoshiki and 田丸, 佳希 and Nakamura, Kosuke and 中村, 康佑 and Nishida, Saiji and 西田, 斉二 and Yanagawa, Akiyoshi and 柳川, 明義 and Shimizu, Hikaru and 清水, ひかる and Shimizu, Miki and 清水, 未来 and Sugihara, Katsumi and 杉原, 勝美}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究は,利き耳・非利き耳側からの聴覚刺激が重心動揺に与える効果について検討した.被験者は健常若年者30名である.本研究は横断研究である.重心動揺の測定には重心動揺計を使用し,足圧中心(COP)総軌跡長・矩形面積・外周面積を抽出して比較検討した.研究条件は条件①:聴覚刺激無,条件②:利き耳側からの聴覚刺激,条件③:非利き耳側からの聴覚刺激である.結果,聴覚刺激無(条件①)と,利き耳側から聴覚刺激(条件②)では両群で有意な差を示さなかった.非利き耳側からの聴覚刺激(条件③)は,聴覚刺激無(条件①)と利き耳側から聴覚刺激(条件②)を比較したところ重心動揺が有意に減少していた.これにより,非利き耳側から入力された聴覚刺激は脳の側性化により対側半球の空間認知機能局在に情報が伝搬され,姿勢の調整に影響を与えていることが推察された., The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of auditory stimulation from dominant ear/nondominant ear on body sway. The subject were 30 healthy young people. This study was a Cross-Sectional study. The assessment of body sway was taken as the total length of Center of pressure(COP) displacements, Rectangular area, and Environmental area of COP using the stabilometer. Research Condition ①:Conditions that do not give auditory stimulation. Research Condition ②:Conditions of giving an auditory stimulus from the dominant ear side. Research Condition ③:Conditions for giving an auditory stimulus from the non-dominant ear side. As a result, Condition ① and Condition ② showed no significant difference in both groups. Condition ③ decreased significantly than Condition ① . Condition ③ also decreased significantly than condition ② . These results, auditory stimulation input from the non-dominant ear is sent to the cerebral hemisphere on the opposite side by laterality. From this, it is considered that the effect was given the body sway., 短報, Brief Note}, pages = {23--28}, title = {利き耳・非利き耳側への聴覚刺激が重心動揺に与える効果 足圧中心(COP)総軌跡長・矩形面積・外周面積に着目して}, volume = {12}, year = {2016}, yomi = {タマル, ヨシキ and ナカムラ, コウスケ and ニシダ, サイジ and ヤナガワ, アキヨシ and シミズ, ヒカル and シミズ, ミキ and スギハラ, カツミ} }