@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000860, author = {CHIE, SUMIDA and 隅田, 千絵}, journal = {四條畷学園大学看護ジャーナル, Nursing Journal of SHIJONAWATE GAKUEN UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {目的:看護学生が臨地実習で遭遇する困難をどのように乗り越えているのか,学生のレジリエンスを質的に明らかにする. 方法:看護系大学4校に在籍する4年次生27名を対象に,1大学につき6~8名のグループを形成し,フォーカスグループインタビューを行い,得られたデータを質的帰納的に分析した. 結果:臨地実習において学生は,【支援してくれる人がいる】とその存在を認識し,【進んで問題解決行動をとろうとしている】ことが導き出された.また,【目標を持っている】ことや,【やり遂げる自信がある】ということが,困難さを乗り越え,そこから学び,その状況に応じた適応的な行動をとれる力として導き出された. 結論:学生は,自分の支援者の存在を認識し,進んで問題解決行動をとろうとしていた.また目標を持っていることや,実習をやり遂げる自信を持つことが導き出された., Objective: This study aims to qualitatively reveal the resilience of undergraduate nursing students and the means by which students overcome difficulties in clinical practicum. Method: The participants were 27 fourth-year students enrolled at four nursing universities. We conducted focus group interviews with groups of 6 to 8 individuals at each university. The data obtained was then quantitatively and inductively analyzed. Results: Students in clinical practicum were aware that [I have individuals who support me], and the statement [I am proactively trying to solve problems] was derived. Further, [I have goals] and [I have the confidence to follow through] were derived as abilities for overcoming difficulties, learning from them, and behaving according to the situation. Conclusion: Students are aware of the existence of their supporters and are proactively trying to solve problems. It was also derived that they had goals and had confidence to complete the clinical practicum., 原著論文, Article}, pages = {7--16}, title = {臨地実習における看護系大学生のレジリエンス: フォーカスグループインタビューによる分析}, volume = {3}, year = {2020}, yomi = {スミダ, チエ} }