@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000917, author = {Miyajima, Ayumi and 宮嶋, 愛弓 and Tateyama, Kiyomi and 立山, 清美 and Higaki, Kazuo and 日垣, 一男 and Hirao, Kazuhisa and 平尾, 和久 and Harada, Shun and 原田, 瞬}, journal = {四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要, Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University}, month = {Apr}, note = {自閉スペクトラム症児(以下,ASD児)には,偏食がみられることが多い.本研究では,保護者の困り感が高い事例への示唆を得る為,偏食の要因と保護者の対応の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした.方法として,3~18歳のASD児保護者を対象に,偏食に関する質問紙調査を行い,困り感の高さの程度により群別で比較検討を行った.結果,154部(回収率70.6%)の回答を得て,未診断・偏食無を除く101部(男児89名・女児12名,平均年齢7.18±3.18歳)を分析対象とした.困り感の高い群(26名、以下高群)の食べられる食品数は,16/47品(34%)と低く,「外食が困難である」と答えた割合が75%を占めた.嫌いな食べ物は,単品名ではなく,魚・野菜類など食品群全体が挙がる傾向にあった.食べない要因(感覚的要因、口腔的要因、認知的要因)は,他群と比較して,こだわり・見通し・慣れ等の認知的要因が有意に高かった(p<0.05).また高群は,偏食への対応(50項目)のうち,平均30項目の対応を実践していたが,保護者が,効果があったと感じる割合(以下,効果率)は56.3%にとどまった.比較的効果率が高い対応(70%以上)には,「終わり・次を明確に」「決まったメーカーに」「一口サイズで」「味や食感を変える」「味を混ぜない」等であった.以上より,高群の特徴として,偏食の要因は認知的側面が強く,保護者は「終わり・次を明確に」「決まったメーカーにする」等といった,見通しをもたせる等の認知的要因に対する対応に効果を感じていることが明らかになった., Purpose: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have many problematic eating behaviors. The purpose of this study was to clarify the factors and strategies for selective eating in children with ASD. Methods: Participants were 218 families of 3-18 years-old-children with ASD, They responded to a questionnaire and divided into three groups: great, minor and no feeding difficulties. We focused on families experienced great difficulties. This study was accepted by ethical review board of Osaka Prefecture University. Findings: 154 families responded, and the response rate was 70.6%. We analyzed 101 children and excluded children with no diagnosis and no selective eating behaviors. There were 89 boys and 12 girls. The average age was 7.18±3.18 years old. In the group of great difficulties (26 children with ASD), they were able to eat was 16 out of 47 items (34%), and 75% were difficult to eat out. Items the children hate were not the individual item, but the big food groups, such as vegetables or fish. The cognitive factors were greatly affected in the group of great difficulties compared with sensory or oral factors. In contrast, the main problem was oral factors in the group of no difficulties (p <0.05). In the group of great difficulties, they tried the average of 30 out of 50 strategies to overcome selective eating, but the effective rate was 56.3%. The strategies with high effective rate (more than 70%) were ‘clarifying each step and process’, ‘preparing the same brand’, ‘making food bite-size’, ‘Changing the flavors and textures’, and ‘no mixing flavors’.\ Conclusion: The problem was mostly due to cognitive factors, such as obsession and familiarity. The very effective strategies were presenting meals in a predictable way, such as ‘clarifying each step and process ’., 原著, Article}, pages = {25--30}, title = {自閉スペクトラム症児の偏食の要因と保護者の対応 - 保護者の困り感が高い群に着目して}, volume = {13}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ミヤジマ, アユミ and タテヤマ, キヨミ and ヒガキ, カズオ and ヒラオ, カズヒサ and ハラダ, シュン} }