@article{oai:shijonawate-gakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000932, author = {Hase, Hideki and 長谷, 秀揮}, journal = {四條畷学園短期大学紀要, Annual reports of Shijonawate Gakuen Junior College}, month = {Dec}, note = {本稿では、乳幼児の保育・幼児教育における保育内容の一つである領域「表現」の目標とねらい及び内容と、幼児の表現遊びとの関わりについて分析と考察を試みた。具体的には乳幼児の感性と表現について、子どもの遊びと生活の視座から整理して分析し考察を加えた。そして子どもの表現遊びや近似の表現活動についての質問紙調査を保育学生に実施して考察をおこなった。また、保育所及び認定こども園の施設長に質問紙調査を実施して、表現遊びや表現活動のどの分野の知識やスキルについて、養成校で学修し身につけて欲しいと望んでいるかを把握し保育、幼児教育の現場において保育者として実際に保育する際の課題等について明らかにすることを試みた。結果、劇遊びやリズム遊びについて苦手意識を持ち、それらの知識や技能の習得を自身の課題とする学生が多数であることが明らかになり、養成課程での課題が浮かび上がった。また園の施設長の多くが、手遊びや歌遊び等の知識やスキルを学生に養成校で修得しておいて欲しいと望んでいることが分かった。, In this paper, I tried to analyze and consider the relationship between the goals, aims and contents of the area "expression", which is one of the childcare contents in infant care and early childhood education, and infants' expressive play. Specifically, I organized, analyzed, and considered the sensibility and expression of infants from the viewpoint of children's play and life. Then, we conducted a questionnaire survey on children's expressive play and similar expressive activities for nursery school students. In addition, we conducted a questionnaire survey of facility managers of nursery schools and certified children's centers to understand which fields of knowledge and skills in expressive play and expressive activities they want to learn and acquire at training schools. I tried to clarify the problems when actually childcare as a childcare teacher in the field of childcare and early childhood education. As a result, it became clear that there were many students who felt that they were not good at drama play and rhythm play, and that the acquisition of those knowledge and skills was their own task. It was also found that many of the facility managers of kindergartens want their students to acquire knowledge and skills such as hand games and song games at training schools., 原著, Article}, pages = {1--9}, title = {保育内容 領域「表現」と乳幼児の表現遊びについての一考察 : 「感性」と「表現」に着目して}, volume = {55}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ハセ, ヒデキ} }